Smith Gamblin RIBA Chartered practice

Foreign Languages Block
Academy School (Bridgwater)
Designed to provide flexible accommodation, the new building’s classrooms are able to convert into a large function space with an adjacent kitchen. A breakout space, that doubles as an IT suite is also provided. The building’s sustainable construction, and energy efficient design, employs low Co2 emissions, very low air filtration and a Building Management System that integrates heating, lighting and ventilation services.
Sterling Hydraulics
Allen Group (Crewkerne)
Master Planning of improvements to a large factory complex including the refurbishment of existing buildings and creation of a prominent client interface and training facility at the entrance to the site. The aim of our design was to create a unifying identity for the site and the various old and new buildings. We achieved this by utilising a design style that could be easily transfered from the re-cladding of old buildings to the creation of the new training facility.
Business & Media Centre
The new building at Bridgwater College includes a TV production studio, control rooms, a digital editing suite, a media workshop and a radio broadcasting suite. There is also a photography studio with an extensive darkroom area. An exhibition gallery at the first floor links a suite of high quality teaching rooms for business training.
Construction and Motor Vehicle Centre
Somerset College (Taunton)
A design for a new sustainable building using renewable and environmental systems. The building provides Construction and Motor Vehicle Workshops, teaching classrooms and student facilities.
Boscombe Technology Centre
Minstead Investments (Boscombe) Ltd (Bournemouth)
First phase in the redevelopment of a former industrial site in Bournemouth for a Technology Training Park. The three storey building provides a purpose - built training facility containing workshops, classrooms, diagnostic laboratories, IT suites administation offices and refectory facilities. The design is centred around a naturally lit atrium that provides a focal point for the building and social gathering space for the staff and students.
2008 Built in Quality Awards (SW)
Finalist for Best Commercial Building
Early Years Centre
Bridgwater College
An awareness of the natural world is seen as key to the development of children, and the design reduces the barriers between inside and oustide. The chidlren's spaces have fully glazed southerly aspects embracing play spaces and specialist landscaping.
Heavy Goods Vehicle Training Centre
Bridgwater College
The training centre incorporates an HGV Workshop, a Light Vehicle Workshop, plant and body workshops, a rolling road, teaching classrooms and the world's first Electronic Diagnostic Teaching Laboratory.